Valerio Dewalt Train

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How Will Cities Make Room When they Run Out of Room?

How Will Cities Make Room When they Run Out of Room?

Most of us have watched one science fiction movie such as Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, Total Recall, Dredd and the likes that take place in a future dark, slummy and dreadful city. Even though their depiction of the vertical urban expansion is accurate, their portrayal of the urban conditions are far from foreseeable. Nevertheless, they do make you contemplate if such a future is possible.Currently, 54% of the world’s population, more than 4 billion people, live in urban settings. By 2050, it is projected to rise to 66%, which would equate to nearly 6.5 billion people.1 With 2.5 billion people estimated to move into cities within the next three decades, one might wonder, how could cities sustain this mass migration?

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