Posts in Press
A Nocturnal Facelift For Chicago’s Merchandise Mart

“After 80 years, theMART—Chicago’s 1930s-era market and office building that dominates the skyline—is getting a makeover. But it won’t require any major construction or renovations. Instead, the building’s massive riverside facade will be awash in color and light, as high-tech projectors from across the river display moving artwork on its face.” -Karim Doumar, Citylab

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PressAlexa Chmura
Adobe Townhall

“Adjusting to a growing workforce in San Francisco, Adobe found itself in need of more culinary space and they wanted to provide their employees with a new experience that would match their ambitions as a company.” -Valerio Dewalt Train, Archello 

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PressAlexa Chmura
Glassdoor Chicago Office

“For it’s Chicago headquarters, job and recruitment site Glassdoor worked with Valerio Dewalt Train Associates to create an office that would reflect the identities of both the company and its neighborhood.” -Gabrielle Golenda, Architect’s Newspaper

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PressAlexa Chmura
Architectural Record Features VDT in "The Future of Practice"

“Underscoring the value architects bring to a project has become ever more important, given tightening purse strings and evolving technologies. “I think the recession made everybody sit up and say, ‘What do we need to do to increase the value that we provide?’ ” says Valerio. “An architect always believes that, whatever the question is, design is the answer. But do we really understand the question?” -Josephine Minutillo, Architectural Record

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PressAlexa Chmura