Civitas and the Fashion of Protection


COVID-19 Research
Protective gear and fashion
Civic responsibility

What’s Inside
Research Basis


Research Basis

  1. Recently the notion of our civic responsibility has been forgotten by many. This responsibility is part of the broad concept of Civitas.

  2. Fashion is all about preparation to go out in public unprotected except by your clothing.

  3. What can be done now and what may be possible in the future.


  1. The practicalities of self protection from a virus has not been perfected, but we know it offers an opportunity to go “public” and reduce the risk of infection.

    • Every individual has a civic responsibility.

    • Protect yourself, and that protects others.

    • In response to c19, the use of available personal protection equipment has been limited, and the devices, masks, eye shields, gloves and gowns are not integrated.

    • We need an integrated solution: fashions which protects the body from head to toe.

    • The Stillsuits from Frank Herbert’s science fiction novel “DUNE” protected the people of Arrakis, a desert planet. The Stillsuit is an integrated solution that conserved and recycled the body’s moisture.

    • Everyone should have an anti-viral fashions in their closet to breakout with the arrival of the next pandemic

    • Add wearable technologies (ala Applewatch, DETECT)

      • Real Time Continuous Assessment

      • Contact tracing

      • Address Pre-existing Conditions Associated with Morbidity

Civitas [Definition]

[ siv-i-tas; Latin kee-wi-tahs ]
noun, plural civ·i·ta·tes [siv-i-tey-teez; Latin kee-wi-tah-teys] .

Citizenship, especially as imparting shared responsibility, a common purpose, and sense of community.





01 Civitas and the Fashion of Protection

  • Every individual has a civic responsibility.

  • Recently the notion of our civic responsibility has been forgotten by many. It is time to remember the definition of Civitas.

  • The meaning of fashion is about preparation and protection. You prepare to go out into the world by selecting the proper fashion from your closet. Once dressed you are protected physiologically and psychologically,

  • Through the media of literature and the arts illustrates these meanings.

    • Stillsuits - Frank Herbert’s DUNE.

      The Fremen of Arrikis, a desert planet without water, wore Stillsuits which conserved all the moisture from the body and allowed the Fremen to live for long periods in a hostile environment. The lack of water, or the presence of a virus are equally hostile.
      Fremen, Wikipedia

    • Soundsuits - Nick Cave, Performance Artist, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

      “My practice revolves around uplifting and reifying otherwise distressed bodies, which is the core purpose of the Soundsuit.” Nick Cave. These garments, visually and through the accompanying soundtrack, are all about protection through an exaggerated and provocative style.
      The Righteous Art of Nick Cave, GQ

  • Research has shown that PPE are effective in protecting the uninfected from the infected.
    The Importance of PPE

  • In the c19 Pandemic, personal protection involves donning a mask, a clear viser, a gown and other outerwear to isolate one person from another.

  • There is a need to develop a fashion which integrates all the necessary protections into a single garment that protects people from head to foot.

  • This integrated device can be disinfected and tested at home.

  • In future pandemics, initially it will be impossible to identify individuals who are contagious. The answer is to go to your closet and put on your protective suit.

  • Such a device will give people confidence to get on an elevator or take public transportation.