

COVID-19 Research

What’s Inside
Research Basis


Research Basis

  1. We were not prepared for COVID-19; we should be better prepared for the next Pandemic.

  2. In some cases, our observations and recommendations will be useful in the short term.  If we look only at a response to this virus, it would be too limiting in our world view.  We want to explore what we can do in the long term to isolate and mitigate an, as yet, unknown threat.

  3. We assume once treatment and vaccines are perfected our conduct will return to our DNA, we are social animals.

  4. We assume that in both the short term and the long term, personal protection will be needed.

  5. Our goal is to help our clients move from being unprepared to being agile, responding to an unknown threat.

  6. Our response needs to continually evolve as we learn more.


  1. Pandemics will become a more frequent reality.  We are already better prepared for next time.
    Planning for the Next Global Pandemic, ScienceDirect

  2. Humans resist “limiting” change. While necessary, many short-term measures will be swiftly abandoned and forgotten because we will not like them; they will be unnatural to our DNA.

  3. Social Distancing is flawed and unsustainable.
    See how a sneeze can launch germs much farther than 6 feet, Nation Geographic

  4. Telecommuting offers many advantages.
    Pros And Cons, Global Workplace Analytics

  5. Human psychology and behaviors are heavily impacted by pandemics. Recovery measures must anticipate and address: earning confidence, being virtual, a focus on health, a disposition toward cocooning and the reinvention of authority.
    New Human Truths that Experiences Need to Address, Accenture

  6. Rebuilding trust is essential to one’s successful Return To Work.
    Building Trust During Covid-19, Deloitte





01 Operating in Parallel Universes

  • The workplace must be productive at all times.

  • When there isn’t a viral threat, it should offer the best possible human experience.

When there is a threat of unknown qualities and proportions, it must offer different services that isolate, mitigate, and enhance the welfare of the workforce.


02 Plan ahead for change in the Workplace

  • Second to sleeping, we spend more time of our lives engaged in work than any other activity.
    We’ve broken down your entire life into years spent doing tasks, Huffington Post

  • Whether offices or factories, these places are designed to be changed to meet new challenges.

    • Uninterrupted space dotted with columns as far apart as practical can house most productive activities of any worker.

    • In multi-story buildings elevators connect floors often allowing thousands of square feet of space to be easily accessible on foot.

  • Transforming Buildings responding to a pandemic

    • Usually change responds to a change in occupancy or a change in business needs. The nature of such change is not predictable, but it can be completed over time.

    • The challenge of a pandemic inverts this paradigm. The nature of the change is predictable - mitigation, but it has to be completed quickly, even overnight.

    • The solution - plan ahead.
      Post-pandemic economy favour fastest moves, WeForum,

  • Workplace buildings are uniquely suited for advanced planning.

    • Have consistent large-scale human traffic patterns

    • Offer robust scale and infrastructure

    • Accessibility is usually controlled and monitored, this hardware and software can be modified to respond to pandemic.


03 Making the Workplace safe(r).

    • Using Touchless Technology wherever possible.

    • Employer-provided “placemats” and disinfectant dispensers.

    • Building Scale Employee Monitoring (and Tracking in emergency periods)

    • Making onsite medical services available supported by integrated telemedicine.

    • Implementing cleaning and disinfecting protocols and regimens, specialized air handling, and material considerations.

    • Dual Purpose Pandemic Emergency Facility (PEF)


04 The workplace will always be integral to one’s holistic health.


05 Workplaces will always enhance social human interaction and cognitive development.

  • Physical workplaces support person-to-person engagement, which are less successfully replicated virtually, and allow for:

    • Spontaneous Collaboration and Innovation

    • Informal Communication

    • Teamwork

    • Training and Supervision

      • Formalized Professional Development

      • Informal Mentoring

      • Learning By Osmosis

      • Managerial Oversight

    • Sense of Purpose

  • Physical workplaces provide tools and technology, which are not as successfully replicated in one’s home office.

  • Future workplaces will focus on optimizing spaces used for person to person, person to tools and person to technology engagement.

    • Negotiate (Board Room)

    • Celebrate (Dining Room / Flex Space)

    • Innovate (War Rooms)

    • Teach (Coaching and Training Rooms)

    • Test (Lab Space)

    • Make (Workshops)

  • When under threat, the office will only be a place to meet, and not to work.

  • Our WFH environments will be efficient and allow for productive future work.

  • The factory is also a place of important social interaction, where teams of workers are building products.

  • In the foreseeable future, blue collar workers will still have to come to work, and making the factory a safe workplace cannot depend on distance. The solution is protection, testing and tracking.


06 Under threat amenities have new meaning: Ease stress, improve work/life balance

  • Childcare / Kids Rooms

  • Fitness Classes / Personal Trainers

  • Amazon Locker Hubs

  • Instacart Pick Up Hub

  • Dog Runs

  • Scalability

    • Smaller companies will share amenity resources

    • Landlords will rapidly expand existing “tenant experience” trend

    • Corporations will integrate across regional campuses


07 Under threat the Workspace will be BYO.