20 Questions with VDT's Staff

As we celebrate our 25th year, we decided to look back at what makes VDT so great—our talented and diverse staff. Below, find results of our informal survey, asking the tough questions from “What’s your favorite LaCroix flavor?“ to “What are you currently binging on Netflix?” (Just ignore how nonsensical those questions would sound in 1994.)

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Alexa Chmura
Our 25th Summer Outing

For our 25th Anniversary Outing, we decided to step things up! Our Chicago office spent the afternoon drifting through the river—out to Lake Michigan and back again—ending the day for dinner on the west side at Park & Field. A few weeks later, our California and Denver teams took a ferry from San Francisco to Alameda, where they enjoyed a brewery tour and wine tasting.

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BlogAlexa Chmura